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Hydrology Report

A hydraulic report involves a simple, clear and factual description of flooding behaviour that can be used by the general public and individual insurers to better understand ‘what happened’ and why. Hydrology reports have been routinely used in workplaces and residential properties in order to minimise the risk of flooding and ensure management of flood risk exposure before construction. The foundation of hydrology reports is rainfall and water level data recorded by federal and state government agencies (the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology; the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management and SEQWater); and by local councils. Hydrology reports offer no comment or analysis of the management of flood risk during the flood events (such as flood forecasting and warning, together with flood preparation, response, relief and recovery activities), or the roles played by various agencies in these flood risk management activities. Hydrology reports are confined to rainfall and water level behaviour leading up to and during the flood events. To foster understanding, various technical terms relevant to floods and flooding are defined in the report and a general description is given of the different types of floods and their causes (Australia Insurance Council).

Important things to know about hydrology reports

Getting a hydrology report is a critical part of the development process as it addresses the below:

  • Rainfall and flooding assessment
  • Management of water resources
  • Water resources, catchments and river assessment
  • Water level data recorded by federal and state government agencies
  • Rainfall and water level behaviour leading up to and during the flood events
  • A general description of the different types of floods and their causes

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